The best way to get in contact with me is via email. You can fill in the form on the right, or just send me a regular e-mail. If you try to call me on my personal phone with a not known number, please leave a message so I'll be able to give you a call back. If none of these will work you can also send a messenger pigeon or smoke signals.
Echtenstein 186,
1103 AA,
+31 6 5789 8687
Jordi is a hard working young man, he has a good balance between play time and work time, you can laugh with him one moment, and work hard the next. He gives good and creative ideas, which he can be adamant about using, but he is open for discussion to change if he is convinced the other idea is better.
Can't tell right away honestly. I don't know how big it'll be and how much time I have to put in. We can discuss this through e-mail or phone.
Why not?
Of course. I have put my chess information on the about me page. Send me a message on my profile.
As soon as possible. Can't exactly tell you when. 100% in June.